Graphic Design Principles

In graphic design, there are important principles to produce good designs. Graphic designers have to understand graphic design principles. Definition of principle in design is a fundamental agreement that becomes a guide for the creating process. These are all principles in graphic design.


1. Unity

( Source : googleimage )

Unity is the cohesion, consistency, completeness, and appropriateness of design elements. If a design doesn’t have a unity principle, the design will look damaged and disturbing to the eyes. The unity principle also makes elements in an object look closer and unite.

2. Balance

( Source : googleimage )

Balance is a separation that visually and optically looks equal.  The balance principle is needed to make an aesthetic and communicative design. There are four approaches to the balance principle in graphic design, namely symmetrical, asymmetrical, equal and radial balance.

a. Symmetrical Balance or Formal is a balance shown through relatively equal elements from center to left with right and top with the bottom.

b. Asymmetrical Balance or Normal is a balance in which the composition of the elements on each side is placed differently but still gives the impression of being well balanced with the composition of vertical, horizontal, diagonal and combinations.

c. Equal Balance is a balance of composition between left and right space without paying attention to the shapes in each space.

d. Radial Balance or Central is a balance shown through relatively same elements from centre to overall left and right side also top and bottom side.

3. Proportion

( Source : googleimage )

Proportion is a ratio between big and small elements. The proportion principle is applied to compare every element. An improper proposition can make design unsightly. To create a proportional design, you should use a square with margins, columns and spacing so it results in harmony.

4. Emphasis

( Source : googleimage )

Emphasis is a method to decide which part will be prioritized in a design. The emphasis principle is used to provide information or the impression you want to share with the audience.

There are 3 types of emphasis in graphic design:

a. Hierarchy is determined by sequence or arrangement.

b. Scale and proportion is highlighting the main information with larger font size.

c. Contrast is the placement of two design elements that are contrary to each other.

5. Rhythm or Repetition

( Source : googleimage )

The rhythm or repetition principle is generated from the repetition of similar elements consistently or different elements of shape, size, and position. The principle of rhythm can make the audience’s view move from one pattern to another to create a flow of views when viewing the design.

6. Simplicity

( Source : googleimage )

Simplicity is accuracy in the principle of graphic design. It is not too much and not too little but it will ruin if it is added or subtracted. Simplicity doesn’t mean little but it means proper.

7. Clarity

( Source : googleimage )

Clarity is an important element of design principle because it can make a creation has double meanings or ambiguous. For example, a creation has meaning A, but others define it as B.


That is all principles in graphic design that you have to understand. After reading this article may you will be more skilful in creating designs.

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