Want to be a Professional Designer, These are Graphic Design Types You Should Know

Graphic design is used to answers visual communication needs through colour, image, shape, and typography. There are some types of graphic design having their own specialization. Every graphic design types need special skill and technique.

For you, who is a newcomer in graphic design and have not decided your specialization yet, see some types of graphic designs below.

1. Graphic Design for Visual Identity

This type of graphic design related to the making of visual identity for a company or organization. Identity should be pictured in a graphic to tell the company’s vision through colour, shape, and image.

If you choose this type, you should be able to understand the basic knowledge of design types to multimedia usage. You might also have skill in communication, creative, and ability to do some researches.

2. Graphic Design for Marketing and Advertising

Company hangs marketing to catch the public’s awareness and desire by visual media. Be a marketing designer, you may work either as a freelancer or build a creative team. Artworks to make, for instance, advertise design for the magazine, flyer, poster, banner, presentation slides, and info-graphics.

3. Graphic Design for User Interface

User Interface is how to user interaction with devices or application. UI designer makes application or device interface looks more interesting and easy to use. UI designer has specialization in design for a desktop application, mobile, and games.

Commonly, UI designer will work together with UX (user experience) designer to determine how an application works and UI developer makes codes. There are some requirements to be a UI designer, such as graphic design skills, UI and UX basic knowledge, and programming languages (CSS, JavaScript, and HTML).

4. Graphic Design for Publications

Graphic designer in publication media has to works with editor and publisher to making layouts, typography, and artworks, including photography, graphics, and illustrations. You may work as a freelance, join a design agency, or work in a publishing company if you are a publication graphic designer.

5. Graphic Design for Package

Product packaging not only is functioned to protect the goods inside but also to communicate the brand to the consumer. Job desk of packaging designer is making a concept, designing mockup, and making printable design document as a package. Here, you should know graphic design, print process, and special skill on industrial design.

6. Graphic Design for Motion Picture

Motion picture graphics including animation, audio, typography, picture, video, and effects needs in digital media. Motion picture graphic designer, generally responsible to make tittle and credit on a film, advertise, animation logo, trailer, presentation, tutorial video, website, application, banner, and video game. Skills required to be a designer for motion pictures, such as coding, 3D modelling, video, and animation.

7. Graphic Design for Environment

Environmental graphic design should use the ability to make the public area interesting, informative, and easy to find. Example of environmental graphic design workings is mural, museum, gallery, public transportation navigation, and conference centre design. There are many scientific disciplines be involved here like graphic design, architecture, interior, landscape, and industrial design.

8. Graphic Design for Art and Illustration

Illustration and art designer must be able to make a composition to communicate and solve a problem by artworks. Even though art and illustration technically are not part of graphic design, they can be used as graphic design content itself. Art and illustrations are very important in making design for textiles, motion picture, image stock, comic, and graphic novel.

That’s all graphic design types you should know before deciding to choose any specification in design. Which one most suitable for you?

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