Color Combinations

To determine color combination, there are useful rules you can do. But, you can make a combination without following the rule. These are color combinations you should know:

1. Achromatic Color

Achromatic color combinations consist of neutral color, black and white (gray-scale) but the gray-scale color is not always 100 percent black and white.

For the beginner, I suggest using gray-scale pallet color because it is a neutral color which can combine with many different colors.

2. Monochromatic Color

Monochromatic color is a combination of a neutral color from a color. For example, green.

The monochromatic color usually used to make different dark-bright in the colored object. The color also used to make a shading effect and lighting in our design.

3. Analog Color

The color is consisting of nearby colors in color wheel. So its combination looks simpler.

4. Complementary Color

The color combination has the opposite character. It usually used for showing object focus difference like a letter with background or logo.

5. Clash Color

The color combination is consisting of primary colors and secondary colors from its complementary. Usually, it used to make different object focus and its background. By using the combination, its primary color looks clear.

6. Triad and Split Complementary Color

Triad color combination is consisting of 3 primary colors with a 120-degree angle while the split complementary combination is secondary color taken from 2 primary colors from a triad combination.

Triad color usually applied to show 3 different object focuses. Besides, it can apply as color logo combination and by a special technique, it can save neutral color between colors inside.

Those color combinations are not absolutely must be used. But, the combination can help the designer to find the right color for logo or design. Those combinations can look good and eye-catching if we can apply a technique fit to our eyes.

Color combinations will always improve along with age. So, you should always make an experiment with colors. Get a happy design.

Writer: Wawan Hermawan

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