Introducing Color Theory in Graphic Design


To learn graphic design, you have to recognize colour because the colour also uses in our daily life. In psychology, colour can be described as unseen phenomenon beside as a seen object. According to the opinion of J. Linschoten and Drs. Mansyur, colour also affect the esthetic of an object and determine to like or dislike something. Based on the opinion, the colour isn’t only to see but also affect behaviour.


According to Brewster theory in 1831, colour can be divided into 4, primary, secondary, tertiary, and neutral.

1. Primary Color

The primary colour is a base colour which can’t be mixed with other colours. Primary colour includes red, green, and blue or RGB. The other colours formed from the primary colour itself while the colour produced by a combination of 2 primary colours called secondary. If you want to prove that the primary colour is a base colour, you can see digital TV, computer monitor, HP screen, and soon.

2. Tertiary Color

A tertiary colour is a combination of primary and secondary colour. For example, yellow and orange result yellow-orange, red and yellow result orange.

3. Neutral Color

Neutral colour comes from a combination of two colour, tertiary and primary. Generally, neutral colour is not focused on primary colour because the colour combination can appear as different composition.

Color also defines a person’s character generally, like:

1. Black represents emotion

2. White as a pure colour

3. Grey pictures specific life

4. Red pictures a spirit in living

5. Yellow represents happiness

6. Blue represents a new challenge

7. Green as the colour of peace

8. Pink as a feminine colour

9. Orange is a warm colour

10. Brown is identic to dirty

11. Purple pictures faithful

How to Pick the Right Color

1. Show the colour with the dark background.

2. Avoid using brown or green as a background.

3. Brightness has to balance with the background colour.

4. Use colour as you need.

5. Use an attractive colour.

6. Use a colour which not disturbs the letter.

Many Aspects to Consider When Using Color

1. People with colour blind

2. Only recognize one colour

3. Consistency in colour distraction

4. Having colour code limitation

5. Using grey

6. Designer like using an annoying worksheet


That is the colour theory you have to understand when you learn graphic design. Theory and knowledge in graphic design are not only about colour. So, you have to discover other information in graphic design.

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